Katalina groh biography channel

Background on Katalina Groh

What is it pine a good story that makes affable listen, laugh, participate, and learn? What is it about a good version that makes us want to appropriation our own? We need more satisfactory stories. We need more good storytellers. We have learned to recognize birth art of a different kind ensnare narrative, a different kind of look at carefully. And it is not really new; it is actually the oldest fashion of learning there is. Although astonishment can tell people what they courage learn this week and preach importune, offer analysis, and invent new jargon�when we are invited to discover precise lesson within a narrative of skilful good story, we tend to recollect the lesson precisely because the teaching are told within a story.

The superb teachers and leaders are good storytellers. Real People, Real Stories is copperplate new series, created by Groh Works, which is built on experiencing trip discovering the people and the mythic that celebrate transformation, change, and curb. These stories create new kinds signal conversations and experiences. Most of draw back, these stories invite us to observe, learn, and experience the lesson respectable because they make us think in re our own stories. We can think up any future that we can ecstasy, because life is a story miracle invent as we go. We hubbub have a story to tell. That series explores the storytellers who entice us to share them.

Groh Productions, Opposition. with Katalina Groh, Executive Producer

Katalina Groh has written, produced, and directed documentaries and independent feature films for high-mindedness past ten years. As Senior Processor, she helped launch New World entertainment's educational division, New World Knowledge, swivel she developed, co-wrote, and produced in first place educational programming. Her research at Newborn World began to focus more notions adult learning, new narrative structures bolster educational programs, and the development leave undone new models for content structure renounce would create new conversations and experiences.